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SALT Weekender in Warsaw, Poland [RECAP]

Jul 18, 2022


More than 75 people descended upon Warsaw, Poland to participate in our first every SALT Weekender in Poland. SALT Weekenders are designed to introduce pastors, church planters, and ministry leaders to SALT content and the SALT process for training leaders to plant churches. It is 2-days of practical training. 

This our third SALT Weekender. The previous two Weekenders were hosted in Ukraine. Up until this point, most of the content has been centered on church planting. However, we have plans in the future for our Weekenders to be themed around different content, such as evangelism, parenting, stewardship, etc. 

This Weekender was led by Gregory Gibson, Timofey Dovgalyuk, and Taras Prystupa. The 5 sessions focused on the following content:

  • An Introductory Theology to Church Planting
  • Creating and Casting Compelling Vision
  • Introducing APEST Leadership
  • 3 Principles for Building a Team
  • The Trellis and the Vine

The Weekender also had 2 breakout sessions to choose from: The Pastor as Missionary Leader and Introducing Business as Mission.


9 pastors registered for "planter assessment" at the beginning of September to be a part of our SALT Network of Churches (SNC). Planter assessment is the first step to becoming a part of SNC. All 9 of these pastors are planting churches in Poland. The assessment process will be an in depth 8-hour meeting that will look at the head (knowledge of the bible), heart (gospel motivations), and hands (past experience) of the potential SNC partner. 
