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FROM THE FIELD: The Last 15 Days

May 10, 2022

The last FROM THE FIELD NEWSLETTER was sent over 2-weeks ago. It’s a good thing to be busy with good and redemptive work, and this where SALT Ukraine has been the last 2-weeks… busy with good work.

Here’s a quick update:

Linda Bunk (SALT Board Member and SALT Missionary) traveled to Germany and Poland to serve families with special needs children.

Greg Gibson (Global Leader) traveled to Sarasota, Florida to begin conversations with a new potential church planting partner.

Timofey Dovgalyuk (SALT President) traveled to Warsaw and Ukraine (twice) to connect with Strategic Partners. Greg Gibson joined him for 10-days of the trip.


  • Onboarded a new EASTERN EUROPEAN TEAM LEADER, who will oversee all current Strategic Partnerships and pursue new ones.

  • Set-up new SALT OFFICES in Warsaw, Poland (all of our Strategic Partners will be able to use this for meetings and work).

  • Onboarded our SALT SUPPORT TEAM (3 administrative assistants that help with logistics, communication, and details).

  • Developed a relationship with a new church in WARSAW, POLAND. They are potential strategic partner. 400+ Ukrainians now attending.

  • Signed a lease on a warehouse in WARSAW, POLAND. All relief and supplies will center here, then go directly into Ukraine in strategic ways.

  • Visited Strategic Partners in RIVNE, UKRAINE for 3-days.

  • Visited site for the SALT Village and all the work already done there.

  • Spent time with pastors who are with our SALT NETWORK OF CHURCHES around Ukraine. This was a much needed time of rest and encouragement for our brothers.

  • Delivered very much needed aid to partners (both financial and other resources).

  • Connected with Mani Mohommadi (SALT Strategic Partner, now in Germany). We solidified his next steps.

  • Met with Zoriana (leader of WINGS OF FAITH). She relocated to Germany. We are helping her relocate and write a book on how the church should serve families with special needs children.

  • Met with Strategic Partner Ira K (leader of Worldview Christian School in Rivne, Ukraine). We were able to announce to her the 4-months of operating expenses that THE KING’S ACADEMY (in Knoxville, TN) has given to her ministry/school.

  • All of the intangibles that are hard to quantify (the meals shared, stories told, prayers prayed, hugs given, etc)


Friends, thank you for partnering with SALT Ukraine. God is using the work of our partners around the world for the advancement of the gospel in incredible ways.

Thank you for furthering the work of SALT Ukraine by giving to our mission. Your generosity fuels the work. We are very thankful!

We are in this fight as long as it takes.

Go here to give: RELIEF FOR UKRAINE

For Ukraine,
Gregory Gibson
Global Director, SALT Ukraine