FROM THE FIELD: Linda Bunk and a Ministry of Presence
Apr 24, 2022
There is no greater advocate (in my opinion) than Linda Bunk. Linda has been traveling back and forth between Eastern Europe countless times over the last decade to serve and honor the people of Ukraine. She does this with her story (which is amazing) and her gift of photography (which is, also, amazing). She recently went to Germany to serve our Strategic Partners who are there.
A few weeks ago, I was reminded from a friend how important “a ministry of presence” is. She reminded me that people need in-person encouragement, affirmation, hugs, and reminders that they are not alone in the work. When I was planting a church in DC, I think back often to the people who came and were just “present” with me and my family. No agenda. No show. Just presence and encouragement. It meant the world, and I know Linda’s trip did, too, for many many many people.
I asked Linda for a brief summary of her trip. Here she is in her own words:
I visited the six families from Wings of Faith in Rötenberg, Germany. On my first night, these families hosted a potluck dinner. Ben’s church invited me to share a brief testimony during a special prayer night for Ukraine. This prayer night was like our SALT prayer nights. Zoriana, director of Wings of Faith, shared at the prayer night, too. It was a great blessing that she was in Germany at the same time. I visited with each family during my two-day trip. My translator during this visit was Google. It worked well. These families love how the local church is showing them love. Their children are included. Most parents report their children enjoy German macaroni. They all want the Wings of Faith preschool to restart. I loved my visit with Kirill; he is singer with disabilities but when he sings his disabilities disappear. He is doing very well but misses his mom, she passed away in 2019. I encouraged him to sing at the church. Our partner Ben Roundtree of Artists In Christian Testimony International and Liya Christian Ministry, organized the evacuation of the families from Rivne, Ukraine. Ben worked with his mayor to provide housing. During my visit, I was invited to meeting with the mayor, Zoriana, Ben, Erin (ben’s wife), and Ana, who works with Wings of Faith. The mayor really wants to provide the right services for the families.
On day three, I traveled by train and plane to Warsaw. I arrived in Warsaw on Good Friday. Poland’s Easter holiday lasts from Saturday evening until Tuesday; all shops are closed, and many restaurants are closed, too. On Saturday, Julia, who lives in northern Poland and was a team member on the July 2019 mission trip, was my guide. Frist, we visited the new SALT church partner, God’s Grace Church. God’s Grace Church is two churches, a Polish church and Ukrainian church in one space. I met with Joseph, associate pastor of Ukrainian church, and Mark, associate pastor of the Polish church. During the week the church is a small refugee center. They provide medical and other services for refugees. Mostly important the refugees need spiritual encouragement. Joseph emigrated from Ukraine to California, but God called him to Poland to serve. He has a heart for planting more churches to serve both Ukrainians and the Polish people. Joseph showed us the warehouse. This building is government-owned and in disrepair. They have done a lot of work on this building. They replaced the leaky roof and are in the process of removing the moldy plaster that covers the brick. The space will be used for storing goods, sorting, and organizing goods to be transported to our SALT partners in Ukraine.
That afternoon, Julia showed me around the district of Praga, which is where the church and warehouse is located. There are many restaurants with of all kinds of food. We found the new office space that SALT will use for operations. Julia showed me how to use the metro/tram system and Google maps. She took me to Old Warsaw, which has been completely rebuilt due to the destruction of World War II. Chopin’s heart is a church in the old part of the city. He was Polish but resided in Paris. His wish was that after his death his heart would be returned to Warsaw. Sunday, I went to the Polish and Ukrainian Easter Services. Ukrainians flocked to the service and the worship center was packed. People were in the lobby and outside the building worshiping. The Ukrainian people have left everything behind, but God has much more ahead in eternity for all. Easter is His saving grace through His Son who died on the cross and rose three days later. Jesus said “Repent, for the Kingdom is a hand.” (Matthew 3:2) This was a short trip, but an amazing trip. I returned to the US on Tuesday and can’t wait to get back to love more and to serve more.
“There are far, far better things ahead than we leave behind.” – C.S. Lewis
Friends, thank you for partnering with SALT Ukraine. God is using the work of our partners around the world for the advancement of the gospel in incredible ways.
Thank you for furthering the work of SALT Ukraine by giving to our mission. Your generosity fuels the work. We are very thankful!
We are in this fight as long as it takes.
Go here to give: RELIEF FOR UKRAINE
For Ukraine,
Gregory Gibson
Global Director, SALT Ukraine