FROM THE FIELD: Encouragement in the Face of Upheaval
May 30, 2022
Most of us cannot even begin to imagine living in a war zone. We probably know of military veterans who have served in one, and their stories likely cause chills to race through our bodies. But living in one? Even if you can wrap your mind around that, imagine living in a war zone with a child that has special-needs. And perhaps you are fortunate enough to be able to escape the war zone; the dad must stay behind in most cases, while the mom bears the burden of relocating and caring for the rest of family.
Children with special-needs are often reliant upon routines, upon things that are familiar—relocating to a new place, with new faces, with the full family—well, it’s heart-breaking to think about a family having to do that. Sadly, this scenario has played out for many families across Ukraine over the past 3+ months. It’s hard to wrap one’s mind around trying to serve and support families in these situations. How can the Great Commission be lived out in the midst of war and upheaval?
Meet Zoriana.
She is the leader of Wings of Faith, a long-time strategic partner of SALT Ukraine. Zoriana has long served special-needs families in Rivne, providing education, therapy, and resources which may be commonplace in the US, but are incredibly rare in Ukraine. As families fled Ukraine, many ended up in Germany, and Zoriana has relocated there (along with her own children) to continue serving children with special needs.
The challenges have been ongoing and immense, and we urge you to pray for Zoriana and her family: for strength, wisdom, and courage to stay on this path that God has called her to.
But today, I want to share encouragement with you.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up.”
In the face of overwhelming challenges, Zoriana shared some of the fruits of her efforts from just this past week. Let these encouragement build your faith.
First of all, one of Zoriana’s greatest needs has been additional help; people to provide care for the children, while allowing brief periods of respite for overwrought moms and Zoriana herself. This week, a believer from Rivne, Maria, responded to Zoriana’s need and has temporarily relocated to Germany to provide support in whatever way Zoriana needs! Praise the Lord for such faithfulness!
Second, last week, the hosting German organization threw a party for the children and families—complete with barbecues and good music. The children were so happy!
Finally, Zoriana was excited to share her experience with one young lady with special needs. Zoriana had to accompany her to the doctor for an appointment, about which the young lady was nervous. One of the tests was painful, which caused the girl to cry. But after the appointment, Zoriana was able to take the young lady for ice cream, and they ended up having a fruitful time together.
What a wonderful lesson to see the joys in the little moments that God, in his infinite grace, provides even when times are hard. We value Zoriana, Wings of Faith, and all of SALT Ukraine’s strategic partners—and we ask you for your prayers to keep their hearts encouraged, too!
Friends, thank you for partnering with SALT Ukraine. God is using the work of our Strategic Partners around the world for the advancement of the gospel in incredible ways.
Thank you for furthering the work of SALT Ukraine by giving to our mission. Your generosity fuels the work. We are very thankful!
We are in this fight as long as it takes.
Go here to give: RELIEF FOR UKRAINE
For Ukraine,
Gregory Gibson
Global Director, SALT Ukraine