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FROM THE FIELD: “Drivers of Life”

1 timothy 2:1-4 advocate from the field great commission salt ukraine Mar 30, 2022

Since FROM THE FIELD 1, you have heard me talk about these gospel heroes who are risking their lives daily to drive into hot spots, where there is active shelling, to rescue people. I know many of them personally, and so do many of you. Today, I was given a new term to describe these heroes — Drivers of Life.

Here is Kiril’s (one of our church planters) message to me today:

“I had a meeting with a dear brother today who evacuated over 100 people from a dangerous city. He was passing [our city]. They are true heroes. I’m supporting such “drivers of life.”

As I heard this term for the first time, chills covered my body, and I immediately became full of emotion with the image this phrase produced. I couldn’t help but have Scripture immediately wash over my thoughts.

I thought about Jesus calling the first disciples in Matthew 4, giving them the title Fishers of Men. I thought about the riddle Jesus gave to the disciples in Matthew 16, where he says, “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

I also thought about the infamous words from the Apostle Paul, where he reminds us that “to live is Christ, but to die is gain.” These gospel heroes are not only saving people from dangerous areas of the war, but they are sharing the hope of the gospel, too. In this way, they truly are both DRIVERS OF LIFE and FISHERS OF MEN.

Friends, may we live courageously like these Drivers of Life. Let us, too, take risks for the good of others. Let us, too, cast wide nets for the salvation of our neighbors. Let us also run toward the hot zones of our world, ready to also lay down our lives, if called upon.

I am truly in awe of the stories coming out of Ukraine. What an honor to know these men and their families!

Thank you for partnering with SALT Ukraine.

Thank you for furthering the work of SALT Ukraine by giving to our mission. Your generosity fuels the work. We are very thankful!

Keep praying, friends! We are in this fight as long as it takes.

Go here to give: RELIEF FOR UKRAINE

For Ukraine,
Gregory Gibson
Global Director, SALT Ukraine