FROM THE FIELD: Amazing Two Weeks
Mar 07, 2022
The ingenuity of our pastors has amazed me over the last two-weeks. Let me tell you a story.
One of my heroes in the faith is a man named Taras. This man has been a pastor for decades, probably longer than I have been alive. He has a bold faith that has taken him as far as North Korea to share the gospel, a winsomeness about him that can soften even the hardest heart, a Boaz-like ability to care for others, and a faith that has challenged me to dream bigger, pray harder, and trust in the providence of God all the more.
Taras is one of our main partners in Ukraine. He has sent out hundreds of missionaries over the last few decades (as far as Siberia to America), and he has a church with hundreds that worship together on Sunday. To me, he is a faithful giant. Truly one of one.
Taras's biggest need right now is fuel. They are working hard to get as many families to the border of Poland as possible. Hundreds have been sent so far. However, their region is running low on fuel. Insert the ingenuity of Taras into the equation, and he is sending men up to the Carpathian Mountains to fill tanks with gasoline, driving it back to their region, and using it to drive families to the border (see photos of the vehicles below). Like all of our pastors, he has turned his church into a shelter (both to sleep and to eat).
As you can imagine, the gas prices in Ukraine are hitting the moon. Please consider donating to help Taras and his church care for as many families as possible.
$100 alone can send a family over the border and into Poland.
We are doing our part. We are staying in the fight. We aren't going anywhere!
Join me in praying for a miracle in Ukraine.
Go here to give: RELIEF FOR UKRAINE
For Ukraine,
Gregory Gibson
Global Director, SALT Ukraine