Give to SALT

Children Fundraising

Jun 09, 2022

From the Field Newsletters usually highlight the incredible gospel-advancing work of SALT Ukraine’s strategic partners. It is such an encouragement to hear of the variety of ways in which these partners are meeting the needs of others and moving the gospel forward to people who need Jesus. I can’t help but think of 1 Peter 4:10 – “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” SALT Ukraine’s strategic partners are incredible examples of God’s “varied” grace, but the word that jumps out at me today is “each”. Not some, not many – each of us has received a gift, by God’s grace, and the use of that gift is part of being a good steward.

The beauty of God’s economy is that those gifts look different; they manifest uniquely in each of us. Today, we want to encourage you by highlighting how some kids and teenagers are using the gifts God has given them to support the work in Ukraine!

Meet Zoe! Zoe is 7 and has been making blue and yellow bracelets to sell in support of her friends in Ukraine. Bracelets are being sold at the local Christian school, and to date, Zoe has raised over $100 for SALT Ukraine!

Meet Hannah (15), Rachel (13), Rebecca (11), and Sarah (9)! They spent 2 weeks baking Ukraine-themed sugar cookies and selling them to people in the neighborhood. In the process, they were able to talk to dozens of people about the work SALT Ukraine is doing – and they raised almost $400!

Stories like this should serve as powerful reminders that EACH of us has a gift. Each of us is equipped uniquely by God to participate in His story, His plan for redemption across the globe. SALT Ukraine would love to engage with people who are interested in being part of a summer mission trip, but even if you can’t go – how can you use your gift to share the gospel and live out the Great Commission?


Friends, thank you for partnering with SALT Ukraine. God is using the work of our Strategic Partners around the world for the advancement of the gospel in incredible ways.

 Thank you for furthering the work of SALT Ukraine by giving to our mission. Your generosity fuels the work. We are very thankful!

We are in this fight as long as it takes.

Go here to give: RELIEF FOR UKRAINE

For Ukraine,
Gregory Gibson
Global Director, SALT Ukraine