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3 Things Churches Should (ALWAYS) Pursue

Jul 21, 2022

Every church planting network culture is different, and every church planting network measures success differently.

For SNC, we are not trying to be better than any other network out there. What is more, if anything, we desire to partner with and champion other networks. After all, we have only 1 goal and 1 mission.

To see churches planted to the ends of the earth.

That is it.

Nothing else.

Within this main goal, though, there are many ways to measure the health of our churches, as well as the health of pastors and planters. However, we desire to see all of our SNC Churches pursue these three things:

ONE: Theological Vigor

The foundation of SNC is always Jesus and His work. It is nothing more than that. Our desire is for our pastors to be grounded in the Scriptures. Every planter signs our Gospel Statement, and every planter goes through a robust assessment of their knowledge of the Bible and foundational Christian theology. 

TWO: Contextual Honesty

What is more, each SNC planter needs to always be pursuing contextualization. In other words, how does the gospel apply to your specific context? How should the church best be ordered in your specific context? We have planters planting secret house churches in the Middle East and Asia, and some planters pursuing multisite churches in the West. Some of our planters are planting amongst the poor and mobile Gypsy populations, while some are planting in urban city centers. 

THREE: Missiological Movement

The goal is always reproducibility. Our desire is to see our SNC churches grow by reproducing themselves, not always just addition in numbers. We measure success by the amount of SNC churches that are planting other churches... and ultimately our desire is for these churches to plant churches amongst the unreached.