FROM THE FIELD: “Deed, then Word.”
Mar 26, 2022
One of our core values at SALT Ukraine is this: “Deed, then Word.” It took awhile for this value to catch on, but in the midst of crisis, you have no option but to practice this type of behavior. You can pick up a rock right now, throw it, and wherever it lands begin serving people in need.
Here is is Kostya’s message to me yesterday:
“Every day we have evangelization, a prayer hour, and a hot lunch for low-income people. More than 50 people come. Of these, 85% are unbelievers.Many have been walking for three weeks without missing a single day. Every day we preach the Gospel, and there are already those people who have repented and believed in Christ! And now we are already talking to them about baptism.
Also, every day we distribute food aid to people in need. This became a great testimony for all the unbelieving people in our area. Many began to respect our church for the good that we do during the war.
Glory to the Lord for everything!”
Friends, people are not walking to Kostya’s church for 3-weeks straight to hear the gospel. They are walking there for a warm meal, a comforting place to rest, and supplies to take home to their family. However, because of Kostya’s (and his teams’s) faithfulness to also proclaim the good news of Jesus, many have already turned to Jesus in repentance and faith. Praise God! Salvation amidst tragedy (Gen. 50:20).
John Stott (one of my favorite Anglican theologians), used to say, “A hungry man has no ears.” We feed hungry people because we are followers of Jesus. That is it. Period. It is not a means to and end. However, when people come to faith in Jesus after weeks of being fed food by faithful Christians who are loving their neighbor (with no strings attached), it is a beautiful picture of the church in action.
We are proud of Kostya, for who he is first, and what he is doing second.
Deed, then Word!
“Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” (Matt. 25:40).
Thank you for partnering with SALT Ukraine. Thank you for giving to SALT Ukraine’s work.
Keep praying! We are in this fight as long as it takes.
Go here to give: RELIEF FOR UKRAINE
For Ukraine,
Gregory Gibson
Global Director, SALT Ukraine