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FROM THE FIELD: Relief is Sometimes as Simple as a Freezer

1 timothy 2:1-4 from the field great commission salt ukraine train plant serve Mar 21, 2022

We were able to purchase a freezer for one of our partners on the ground in Ukraine. Before you think this is not a big deal, let me remind you about how important partnership is. In Philippians 4, we are reminded that the church in Philippi knew exactly what Paul needed, and they were able to meet his needs. This is because they were with him in a very real and relational way in the work.

In the same way, we partner in a very real and relational manner with our partners. We speak to them daily. We know exactly what they are doing daily. We know exactly what to pray for daily. We know exactly what they need daily.

One of our partners needed a freezer. We were able to provide this freezer because of your partnership with SALT Ukraine. Now lots of food can be made, freezed, and then taken all over the country to others in need. This is real relief. Ukrainians on the ground, doing the real work. Us, in real relationship with them, able to meet quick needs to further their work. And not only that, but in relationship for the long haul. Not for dependency sake, but for dignity sake, rooted in the gospel of Jesus alone.

Thank you for giving to SALT Ukraine.

Keep praying! We are in this fight as long as it takes.

Go here to give: RELIEF FOR UKRAINE

For Ukraine,
Gregory Gibson
Global Director, SALT Ukraine